This WebGME based Design Studio offers a smooth experience to experiment, share, and reuse your data processing and other computational workflows. Its visual language is based on the Common Workflow Language and the models created with it can be transformed into CWL projects. It makes creating workflows easier as the user only needs to configure already created template steps instead of learning the CWL language in details. These step templates cover common tasks like python script execution, dockerized task execution, file passing, etc. Special to the Leap project, a dedicated Premonition DataLake server is associated with the design studio which can be used standalone, but we offer specific workflow steps that deal with the uploading and downloading of content in that data source.
The set of steps is easily extendable, allowing to cover any future workflow needs. Currently, you can download your project as a CWL project with all the necessary artifacts to execute on your local machine, or you can execute it using the design studio.
Detailed tutorials and ease of use functions are under development.
Documentation & Installation Instructions
Updated Documentation can be found at